Welcome back for Episode 2, fellow student of all things Awesome! We’re joined this week by our friend Mark who is not only a genuinely awesome person, he’s the first one to meet the unusually low bar to be our guest.

Sure, that’s enough for our egos, but it’s definitely not all.

Mark’s has an inspiring story that’s still being written, and he chose to share it, unfiltered, with our little podcast. Coming from an orphanage in the Philippines, how his childhood experiences informed innovation in Wisconsin credit unions, and the next amazing journey that he’s promised to come back and tell us all about. This episode is all of that and more!

Click the player below to listen to the premiere episode of Awsomology. You can also find us on Anchor.fm or (most likely) wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Just some links we thought you’d like: 
Here’s where Mark works, we appreciate them A LOT. 
Great and useful info on the CUDE program. 
And here’s our Facebook so you can follow us there!