Awsomology Podcast: Thinking Strategically About Strategic Planning with Josh
Another of our smart friends, Josh Roberts from The Wisconsin Credit Union League, joins Ben and Sue to talk about the power of planning, no matter how large or small your organization is.
They dissect the process from start to finish, share tips, and demonstrate that they’re exactly the kind of people that get really jazzed about strategic planning.
Click the player below to listen to this episode of Awsomology. You can also find us on Wistia or your favorite podcast app.
Awesome things to Share:
Josh’s Recommendations-
(Book links to Amazon but also please consider supporting your local bookseller..) –
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City – Matthew Desmond
Decolonizing Wealth: Indigenous Wisdom to Heal Divides and Restore Balance – Edgar Villanueva –
Sue’s Recommendation (she used to be a trainer, did she mention that? 😉 )