Ok, Gang, rally around! It’s time for your pep-talk.

You’ve made it through the holidays, left 2020 in the rearview mirror (where it belongs), and probably tackled the last of the projects that you were definitely going to finish by the end of last year and, well, just didn’t. You’ve made it this far, and we think that’s awesome.

On our team, this is the time when we’ve really, finally, and totally accepted that it’s a new year and we’re looking forward instead of back.

With that in mind (speaking of projects that we were definitely going to finish by the end of the year), we polled some of the big brains on the Exclamation Team to see what they think 2021 holds for us, for you, and for what we all love to do. Have a look and see if there’s something here you should be noodling on too!

1. What do you think should be top of mind for people with your specialty or in the industries we serve?

“Stay innovative, think outside the box, (and) take action steps instead of just talking about things.” – Karen (HR)

“Investing time, sweat equity, and real mindfulness in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. How does your brand reflect the people you could be serving and employing and what does that say about you in 2021?” – Sue (Marketing)

“We really need to be sure that all the businesses we work with are stable, safe, and responsible.” – Nicole (IT)

“(For our clients) we need to be ready to give them great and, more importantly… usable advice! The biggest and greatest plans won’t be worth beans if they can’t put it into action.” – Rich (IT)

“We’ve all been chewed up and spit out by the pandemic. How we make it through will show our true colors. Are we going to revert to old tactics… or are we going to continue to push to be better, newer, (and) progressive?” – Ben (Marketing)

2. What is one thing you KNOW will not change in 2021?

“…the CU industry specifically will be looking for soft skill or culture training. We can all be reminded of the importance of listening, be(ing) respectful, and not making assumptions.” – Abby (HR)

“People helping people… it is all about how we can help each other. We need to be there for each other for any of us to be successful.” – Nicole (IT)

“The competition for our audience’s attention will continue to grow. With an infinite number of messages coming at people from all sides, our job will always be to figure how we can reach the right people at the right time and say the right things.” – Sue (Marketing)  

3. What’s a big change you’d advise a client to be ready for in 2021?

“We’ve been riding a wave of good times for some time now, and the world humbled us with a lot in 2020. That experience has already scared people into thinking and behaving a certain way (and maybe rightly so). Those who have lost are going to protect what they have left, and those who haven’t lost (yet) are going to make sure they stay warm and cozy right where they are… the organizations who continue to push and innovate (in a responsible way) will be the ones that really win after this is all done.” – Ben (Marketing)

“Employee mental health… the need for frontline managers to recognize the signs and have the tools to address it.” – Abby (HR)

“Build out a cybersecurity framework and get to it fast…especially if you are a credit union.” – Rich (IT)

“Examiners and auditors are going to want to know what you are doing to make sure your vendors are stable and secure.” – Nicole (IT)

“Stay innovative. Be a catalyst for change and be open to change.” – Karen (HR)

4. What’s a personal change you’re planning to make for 2021?

“To be present….to be ok with asking for help. To push past my comfort zone and do things that may scare me but that I know are the best for the organization or the employee. Also, work more with our AMAZING marketing dept 😊” – Abby (HR)

“Keep learning more with the software I use, learning more about credit unions, always listening to podcasts and such to learn all topics. And continue to figure out a way to organize my workload that makes sense in my head.” – Pam (Marketing)

“It is always all about learning and growing for me.If I am content, I am bored.I like to push myself all the time, and I don’t know what I am gonna learn, but I bet it will be a doozy next year.” – Nicole (IT)

There you have it—some amateur prognostication from the professionals at Exclamation Services.

Of course, if 2020 taught us anything, it was to expect the unexpected, so how do you think those predictions will age into 2022? What are your predictions for 2021?

Stop by our Facebook page and leave us your thoughts anytime!