We live in a fast-paced society that can tie us to our desks more often than not. We wake up, go to work, come home, feed our furry friends, go to bed, and repeat the cycle till the weekend. Taking a step back and putting time and resources into the people inside and outside your organization can balance the time spent in between tasks and long email chains. Here are a few examples of how we show our sense of community right here in our area!

Podcast microphone and headset


Find other organizations that have similar values and tackle a community project together! You will find that there is a TON of folks who may want to give back just like you do, you just have to find each other!

Take our Awsomology podcast for example – Sue, our Lead Creative & Brand Champion, and Ben, our Executive Director, recently attended the Wisconsin Credit Union League Convention where they worked with The League to record a LIVE podcast! It was an  easy way to boost the message of our podcast and the convention’s Keynote speakers. 

Give Back

Non-profit organizations and charities are always excited to find businesses to work with. United Way, Feeding America, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, and many more have volunteer opportunities year-round for your business to participate in.

Our friends at Simplicity CU found an opportunity to stuff backpacks for the unhoused population in our area through the Badger Packs program! It was a fun way to collaborate with one another and provide for those in need.

Simplcity CU staff with colorful backpacks they filled for the unhoused population.
3 college students coloring an Exclamation board at Marshfield Area Career Expo


No matter the season, there is always a way to get out of the office and interact with your community! From golf outings in the summertime to toy drives for kids near the holidays, there is an endless array of programs to work with other like-minded individuals and meet potential customers.

Our team wanted to get high schoolers more excited about marketing and design, so we hosted a booth at the Marshfield Area Career Expo! We had a ton of fun motivating students about our work and coloring a blank canvas that we designed!

The opportunities are endless when you get your own community involvement train rolling. Putting the time and resources into those around you will only help boost the morale and overall well-being of your entire team.

Now it’s time to go out there and find out who around you is giving back to show your support, or even find other organizations who could use your help!


About the Author: Scott Saager is the Community Engagement Creator on the Exclamation team and is the go-to person for all activities and events! Scott is an energetic team player and spends his free time running, shooting photos, and watching countless hours of reality tv.