Tag: Exclamation Podcast

#005 A Conspiracy of Wackiness Podcast
March 5, 2020

#005 A Conspiracy of Wackiness

Fred Flintstone, the Loch Ness Monster, and Jessica Fletcher from Murder She Wrote walk into…

#004 A Flow State of Mind Podcast
February 27, 2020

#004 A Flow State of Mind

What’s the secret to consistently recording 90 minutes of audio for a podcast that’s supposed…

#003 Kylie Draws a Crowd Podcast
February 19, 2020

#003 Kylie Draws a Crowd

Bad puns in episode titles aside, we’re glad you’re here for Episode 3, you awesome and kindred soul.

We’re excited to introduce you to the junior member of our team, Kylie. Unassuming high school student by day, illustrator extraordinaire for the Exclamation Team by… um… late afternoon?

She’s our professional podcast art creator, a top-notch designer, and she’s not even out of high school yet. You don’t want to miss this interview with our very own Wunderkind!

#002 Mark’s Amazing Journey Podcast
February 13, 2020

#002 Mark’s Amazing Journey

Welcome back for Episode 2, fellow student of all things Awesome! We’re joined this week by our friend Mark who is not only a genuinely awesome person, he’s the first one to meet the unusually low bar to be our guest.

Sure, that’s enough for our egos, but it’s definitely not all.

#001 The First Podcast of the Rest of Our Lives Podcast
February 6, 2020

#001 The First Podcast of the Rest of Our Lives

Hello and welcome, fellow Awsomologists, to Awsomology, the show with Sue and Vince where we find awesome things and dish them up just for you.

We didn’t want to leave anything out, so this episode is bursting with awesome stuff. New sounds, new segments, and even new beliefs! (Well, maybe…)

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