The Point: March 2024
Coming out of Hibernation
There’s no doubt about it, Friend, we are solidly into 2024 now.
By now, you’re through planning and already executing some of your new smart ideas.
Maybe, like us, you’re watching the days on the calendar whizzzz past as we get closer to warm Wisconsin weather (and then further away, and then closer again) and have to wonder where the year is going.
For the Exclamation team, spring is the start of event season, so we’re gearing up to come out of hibernation and looking forward to getting out, meeting new people, gathering new ideas, and succeeding on a whole other level. We hope we’ll get to see you IRL sometime soon too!
For now, here’s a little taste of 2024 for our team.
Meet the Exclamation Team
Did you ever wonder about the multi-talented, multi-tasking people behind all the great work we’re doing? Who are they? How can they possibly be that AWESOME (and HUMBLE)?!
Well, here’s a picture of us in our Halloween costumes (We’re in Marketing, of course we love a theme.), and if you want to learn more about the Exclamation Gang, just jump over to our Meet the Team page right now.

Finding Purpose in Your Work
How often do we pause long enough at work to think about why we’re doing the things we do? Maybe you knew when you started out, but it’s pretty easy to slip into autopilot and forget to ask yourself those kinds of questions.
On this episode of the Awsomology podcast, Ben and Sue go deep and start that big conversation.
Exclamation’s 2024 Word of the Year: Purpose
pur·pose /ˈpərpəs/
Noun The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
Verb (formal) To have as one’s intention or objective.
There are a lot of great reasons for this to be our word of the year.
First and foremost, we were built on Purpose from the very start. You see, when you begin with the idea that you can make other people’s lives better by giving them the time and space to do what they love, and then YOU also get to love what you do, it makes your Purpose pretty clear.
Purpose is also something we talk about A LOT. From those quick “why this and not that” kinds of discussions to the massive questions of why we’re here, what we’re meant to be doing, and what it all means.
In fact, that’s also why we’re working on a book about Purpose. It drives us every day, just like it does so many of the people we’re lucky enough to encounter.
So here’s to Purpose. May we find it, may we follow it, and may we live it.

Let Us Handle Your Next Swag Order
Let’s face it, there are a TON of promo item vendors out there. People who will sell you pens, fidget spinners, water bottles… if they can put your logo on it, they’ll sell it.
And who has the time to search all of those vendors to find exactly the right thing for your audience?
Oh, wait, that’s right WE DO! And we can make it easier for you too!
Start by checking out our promo site right here and then get in touch so our promo gurus can design and order exactly what you’re looking for!
Want to check out more of our portfolio? Go here.
And don’t forget to click here to sign up for email updates before you go!